9 christmas Hills Rd, Elizabeth Town

This was a bit pointless because we couldn't actually go into the farm and have a look at the raspberry themselves. We were restricted to stand behind then fence. Although they do give you a little info about the berries and how they grow them. I'm not sure if this is a year round thing or we just had bad timing. But soak in the lavenders. Ironically they were the prettiest we saw.

6173 Bass Highway Elizabeth Town 7304

Basically you go into the store and try free cheese (or have lunch there *cough)

39 Sorell Street Chudleigh 7304

296 Gillespies Road Nabowla

Luckily food is a year round thing. The ice cream just tastes like berry ice cream but the pancakes were lovely. If you're looking for something more pungent, try the lavender ice cream; the picture above this one. Actually tastes like plant.

1876 Mole Creek Road Mole Creek 7304