DIY Tasmania - Planning yourself


Shortly after I got back from Hong Kong I was packing again for a family trip to Tasmania! It was so last minute we basically planned out own tour and did everything ourselves (something I had never done before). The trip was catered more for sight seeing so I did get a little bored but with the right people I had the best summer so here we go!
Christmas Hill Raspberry Farm
9 christmas Hills Rd, Elizabeth Town 
This was a bit pointless because we couldn't actually go into the farm and have a look at the raspberry themselves. We were restricted to stand behind then fence. Although they do give you a little info about the berries and how they grow them. I'm not sure if this is a year round thing or we just had bad timing. But soak in the lavenders. Ironically they were the prettiest we saw.
Ashgrove Cheese
6173 Bass Highway Elizabeth Town 7304
Basically you go into the store and try free cheese (or have lunch there *cough)
Honey Farm 
39 Sorell Street Chudleigh 7304
 More free food if you're into that kinda thing.
 Bridestowe Lavender Farm
296 Gillespies Road Nabowla
 Is that seriously not the saddest site you've ever seen. After looking at photos, I was looking forward to this stop but we went at the wrong time of the year. Please please make sure you guys check when to visit otherwise well yea haha. They have a cat though he/she is the friendliest thing you'll ever meet. He/she was so lovely to play with.
Luckily food is a year round thing. The ice cream just tastes like berry ice cream but the pancakes were lovely. If you're looking for something more pungent, try the lavender ice cream; the picture above this one. Actually tastes like plant.
Mole Creek Holiday Village
1876 Mole Creek Road Mole Creek 7304
Stayed here on the first night. It's only about $370. It has a beautiful view really far out into horizon. If you wake up early enough in the morning you can see the sheep getting herded across the field. The only downside is that it's in the country so they're are quite a lot of bugs. I had a scorpion in my room and there was a spider in my cousin's. But it really is nice for a motel. 

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