Escape to Everland!!
but first stop breakfast: (no I don't know where that is - fell asleep remember) #thetourlifestruggleisreal
Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
That amazingly AWESOME looking roller coaster in the back? Not under construction, just not open this time of year unfortunately. I'm not sure if I was feeling slightly relieved or disappointed.

This was our ride. Pretty impressive right?!

Occasionally though he didn't know what it was in English so he said it in Korean and then someone on the bus would be like "Tiger!" and the driver would be like "Ti-ger? Horangi" and the whole bus would be like "Ho-rang-i" and the driver would repeat it again. It was so much fun! Like an educational zoo trip for adults. Haha
This is what the tour guide insisted we see. "Sifu" in Chinese or Liger in English. To be honest he was the most boring of them all. He actually did nothing, he just lay there.
This was so amazing. It's the first time seeing something like that. Obviously both the driver and the passengers had food but it was still pretty cool.
Waiting for Papa bear
Poor guy looked so lost. The driver asked several times for him to move. Eventually the whole bus joined in. Haha
Also I say forced since we trekked all the way to the bottom of the theme park just for the safari and then we had to haul our butts all the way back up for the rides. Good exercise though.
This wasn't really a ride but hey if I don't have to do any exercise to get on a ride you can count me in! This one was just grab a float (toboggan thing) we'll haul you up and you can enjoy the trip back down.

This is the slope ... not sure if you can see the lanes. It's clearer at the end with the green patches. Okay so it wasn't thrilling but like I said no exercise. :D
These two were the view waiting for a more thrilling roller coaster... which was not as thrilling after we survived it.
and dinner! you guessed it Korean BBQ. With unlimited soft drinks though!
P.s sorry about the super long post but I guess every tour jams as much as they can in one day